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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 139
     Profile contains photos: 42
     In Memory: 29
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 22
     Military Service: 11
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 139    Newest Members: 139    Latest Comments: 37  

Tamara Bengen    
Tom Converse    
Greg Crabtree     
Mark Dealy   
Jane DeNeui    
Don Fenton    
Mike Ford    
Matt Grim   
Jeanine Hamm    
John Herda   
Lynda Hinton    
Jeff James   
Steve Jeffers    
Kim Nelson   
Rob Oldham   
Brian Pattison     
Jim Peeples    
Dale Rauch   
Mike Rauch    
Todd Smith   
James Steele     
Jeff Thompson    
Rock Todd   
John Unger    
Brad VanBeek    
Bob Watson   
Robert Wood    
Dave Wright    
Robin Yates    
Greg Young   

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